Crew Resource Management 

Crew resource management was created to manage all the possible resources available in a cockpit, this system helps us to reduce human error. It is not only applied in the aviation industry but also is used for firefighting, health care, and maintenance fields.

Crew resource management is basically the application of human factor knowledge as well as flight skills and operation. The main goal is to perform a safe flight.
Crew resource management is the conjunction of some elements, those are proper communication between pilots and flight crew members as well as ATC personal, and dispatch.

Proper operation and communication with all of those areas will help the pilots, and the people involved to increase the situation of awareness in cases like taking off, flying, taxying, refueling, parking, and much more as well as reducing possible human error. An essential item to take into consideration to properly perform all those operations safely is proper communication, reading back instruction as well as using the right words to express present situations that might need to be addressed. All this type of operation is taking place every day in any of the thousands of flights making this type of operation standard.


(n.d.). Retrieved April 26, 2020, from
Crew Resource Management: Head in the game. (2019, July 1). Retrieved April 26, 2020, from
(n.d.). Retrieved April 26, 2020, from

Crew Resource Management: Head in the game. (2019, July 1). Retrieved April 26, 2020, from

What Happened to Crew Resource Management? (n.d.). Retrieved April 26, 2020, from
(n.d.). Retrieved April 26, 2020, from
Crew Resource Management: Head in the game. (2019, July 1). Retrieved April 26, 2020, from
Crew Resource Management: Head in the game. (2019, July 1). Retrieved April 26, 2020, from
What Happened to Crew Resource Management? (n.d.). Retrieved April 26, 2020, from


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