Flight Service Station and Area Control Center 

Flight service station or FSS is a facility service that helps pilots to have different services in fly or on the ground those services can be updated weather information, filing VFR, IFR flight-plans and also gives you the possibility to file flight-plans in the air, you can also request briefings regarding your flight, get NOTAMs regarding airports, airspaces, military activity.

Air traffic control center also known as ARTCCs is a facility that is in charge of controlling and routing airplanes that are normally cruising to their destination, normally at higher altitudes, and are in charge of managing a high volume of traffic, normally provide traffic separation, weather advisories and will help you to transition from the en-route environment to the approach environment. You can also request weather information to ARTCCs but due to the high volume of traffic is not always possible. For that reason, Flight service station is more efficient and is more capable of helping you by getting the information that you need.


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