In 1938, President Roosevelt signed the civil aeronautics act, with the purpose of regulating air transportation, develop, improve the national defense system, mail service, as well as foreign and domestic commerce.

With the creation of the civil aeronautics act, several tasks performed to improve aviation as well as air commerce. Between August 1938 and October 1939, the CAA investigate over 2667 accidents, making recommendations to prevent similar accidents to happen in the future as well as new safety standards in areas like certification of airmen, aircraft inspection, and research on health issues related to the aviation environment amount Others.
The CAA ran civilian pilot training, certifying over 8313 new civilian pilots, that work was possible thanks to the work of 435 collages and 528 flight schools that worked together with the CAA. 

CAA was reorganized in 1940 and as a result, two more agencies were borne, the civil aeronautics board (CAB) which was in charge of regulating carries, and routes. The other agency was the civil aeronautics administration in the department of commerce and its function was to regulate safety certification.  

The CAA continued doing the assigned activities until 1978 when the airline deregulation act was introduced.


Civil Aeronautics Act (1938). (n.d.). Retrieved May 2, 2020, from


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