Airport Environment Hazard

The presence of wildlife in the airport environment is a huge challenge to airport managers as well as a treat to airplanes, passengers, and infrastructure in the airport and around the airport. 
It is estimated that during the last century the aviation industry has lost hundreds of lives as well as billions of dollars across the world due to several factors related to the presence of wildlife in the airport environment, like birds, animals crossing the runways, and in some cases even humans. 

There have been many examples of what could happen when an airplane collided with birds, in many cases causing engine failures, structural damage to the airplane's fuselage, and in some cases total loss of power. An example is flight 1549, an US Airways flight, which experience a total loss of power after taking off from LaGuardia airport and hit some birds during the climb.

Bio acoustic technology is now being used in order to mitigate and reduce the amount of bird activity in the vicinity of an airport, helping this way the operations in the airport during high volume of traffic and activity. But birds are not only the problem when we talk about wildlife, but deers and raptors are also other hazards for the operations in an airport, that is why in some airport there are special divisions looking after those animals and reducing the way the potential risk of putting in danger hundreds of people.


1. Mitigating wildlife hazards. (n.d.). Retrieved May 10, 2020, from

2. Wildlife Management. (2018, July 16). Retrieved May 10, 2020, from Management. (2018, July 16). Retrieved May 10, 2020, from


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