Thunderstorm Hazards

Thunderstorms represent a high potential threat for any airplane which flies inside and around thunderstorms. there are many hazards that you can find in a thunderstorm are hail, snow, heavy rain, lightning, unstable air creating updrafts and downdrafts, wind-shear in the vicinity of a thunderstorm, you could also find microburst which is a strong downdraft that could get you in a strong rate of descent of up to 6,000 feet per minute. 

A microburst, as mention before, is a strong downdraft that has different scenery situations while flying through it, there are two types of microbursts, wet microbursts, and dry microbursts. In the beginning, you will experience a headwind and then it will transition to the lost of headwind and finally tailwind which is where you can experience the highest rate of descent, that is because of the strong downdraft that makes the airplane unstable and without the required airspeed to stay in the air, this is because in some cases microburst can reach winds of more than 100 miles per hour.
Wind-shear is a sudden change in wind direction as well as velocity, there are two types of wind shear, horizontal and vertical. Wind-shear is normally associated with thunderstorms, microbursts, fronts, convective clouds, or even because of the terrain in the area where you are flying. This is particularly dangerous because it is difficult to identify at the beginning and normally when you do it it is already happening, it starts with an increase in headwind which gives you better aircraft performance and then a change to a tailwind which reduces the performances.

Reference :

US Department of Commerce, & Noaa. (2016, September 21). What is a Microburst? Retrieved May 23, 2020, from
Thunderstorm Dangers. (n.d.). Retrieved May 23, 2020, from
SKYbrary Wiki. (n.d.). Retrieved May 23, 2020, from


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